Rideshare South Pickup Relocation
Assistance locating Rideshare Pickup Areas on South
- Directional signage and additional Guest Service Representatives throughout the Terminal will ensure passengers receive accurate guidance to the South pickup area.
South Terminal Roadways
Rideshare South Pickup Location
Rideshare Pickup Area Navigation:
- Directional signage and additional Guest Service Representatives throughout the Terminal will ensure passengers receive accurate guidance to the new pickup area.
South Terminal Commercial Vehicle Drop-Off Relocation
Through October 2019
- Temporary relocation of South Terminal commercial vehicle drop-offs to the North Terminal. All commercial vehicle drop-offs – including hotel, off-airport parking and regional commuter shuttles – will be moved from the South to the North roadway. ParkATL, ATL’s on-airport parking shuttle, will pick up passengers outside of Door N3.
North Terminal Roadways
Through December 2018
- All lanes on the Airport’s North roadway will reopen on October 6, with only nightly partial roadway closures causing minimal impacts as North canopy finishes are completed.

A380 Gate Expansion
Gate F3/F3A is undergoing an expansion to accommodate the Airbus A380, a double-deck, wide-body airplane that can seat up to 600 passengers. This expansion will not only allow for an A380 on Concourse F, but it also will greatly shorten the walking distance to Immigration and Customs for passengers. Learn more about the gate expansion

Cargo 2A/2B
Under the Cargo 2A/2B project, we are currently preparing the site for an increase in cargo operations; initial activities are currently underway. This necessitates relocation of segments of Sullivan Road, as well as public utilities. Ultimately, we will construct two new cargo facilities, each at 250,000 square feet. Learn more about Air Cargo projects →

Taxiway Upgrades
Eight phases of pavement replacement have occurred across five taxiways. A total of 34,000 square yards of pavement has been replaced, along with more than 300 LED light fixtures. The remaining phase of these upgrades impacts the Delta TOC (Maintenance) Ramp. We are coordinating with the FAA to obtain permission to allow aircraft leaving the ramp to have the flexibility to exit left or right. This modification to standards would significantly benefit air traffic control movement and safety of aircraft operations across the airfield.

ATL West Parking
This deck, adjacent to the SkyTrain Gateway station next to the Georgia International Convention Center, is connected to the Airport via a 2-minute ride on the SkyTrain. This is a fast-track project, with construction commencing once design elements are complete. The site has been cleared and excavation started. Structural work will begin in early 2018, with completion expected by the end of 2019. The new parking deck is expected to have 5,700 spaces on seven levels, incorporating an elevated pedestrian walkway to the SkyTrain where passengers can connect to the Domestic Terminal. As part of ATL's ongoing mission to become one of the world’s greenest airports, this project is seeking Parksmart Certification, the LEED equivalent for parking decks.

Updated Hold Rooms
Phased renovations of concourse hold rooms are underway; new ceilings, windows, and seating lend to a modern, open feel at the gate waiting areas. Gates on the South side of Concourse T have been completed so far. Of ATL's 193 hold rooms, 116 will be modernized.
Security Office Renovations
Renovations have been completed at the Airport's Security office to update facilities and improve the queuing area.
CV Hold Lot
Construction has been completed on a new Domestic commercial vehicle and taxi staging area, including a taxi driver assembly building. A new bridge and roadway provide access to the hold lot.

Fire Station #40
Replacement of the oldest fire station at ATL is underway. The new facility will accommodate an increase in the number of firefighters, including support spaces for equipment. Learn more about the Support Facilities projects
Passenger Boarding Bridge Replacement
The passenger boarding bridges at select gates on the Domestic concourses are past their life expectancy, causing replacement and renewal at these gates.

Transportation Mall Ceilings
The Airside Modernization Project will revamp and modernize the ceilings, tunnel and signage in the transportation mall. Learn more about the Airside Modernization projects

Domestic Terminal Canopies
One of the major projects underway is construction of two giant canopies that will extend from the North and South sides of the Domestic Terminal. While their appearance will be grand, the canopies will also improve the guest experience, protecting passengers from weather conditions and improving traffic flow by housing elevated walkways between the parking decks and terminal. Learn more about the canopy project

West Crossover
A brand new digital board greets passengers at the top of the escalators as they exit the plane train toward baggage claim. Measuring 27 feet wide by 7.5 feet tall, the large-scale screen welcomes passengers to Atlanta with messages from the City of Atlanta, Georgia leaders, hometown heroes, and Hartsfield-Jackson. Formerly the site of the beloved Spirit of Atlanta mural, the notable image of the young girl in Centennial Park has been digitized and is also in rotation on the board. Approximately 95% of passengers exiting ATL use this path to baggage claim and ground transportation.

Support Facilities
The replacement of Fire Station 40 will take place early in the program, with the new LEED-certified facility due to be operational in 2018. ATL will also undertake a project to relocate and update the staging locations for the commercial vehicles and taxis that service the airport. The Gate Gourmet and Delta Air Lines cargo operation will also be relocated. These changes will reduce congestion on the roadways and improve customer service. Learn more about the Support Facilities projects

Parking Decks
A new ATL West parking deck will be constructed first. This deck, adjacent to the SkyTrain Gateway station next to the Georgia International Convention Center, is connected to the Airport via a 2-minute ride on the SkyTrain. The new Park-Ride lot on Sullivan Road will provide 1,000 additional parking spaces for customers. The domestic terminal North and South decks, rising 4-8 levels each, will be constructed following the completion of the new ATL West Deck and the Sullivan Road lot. Learn more about the Parking Deck projects

Airside work will occur in phases over the next two decades, beginning with the replacement of taxiway and runway pavement. The project includes two new end-around taxiways, airfield pavement replacement, and the construction of a sixth runway. Learn more about the Airside projects

Air Cargo
ATL will undergo a phased expansion of facilities, with a goal of adding up to 1 million square feet of warehouse space. At the same time, ATL will construct a vehicle staging area to relieve cargo truck congestion, and also add parking capacity for cargo aircraft and vehicles. The work is expected to total more than $200 million in upgrades. Learn more about the Air Cargo projects

Central Passenger Terminal Complex
The Central Passenger Terminal Complex (CPTC) consists of two independent facilities for domestic and international passengers, and seven gate concourses. Revamping the domestic complex will enhance the customer experience and boost the facilities’ aesthetic appeal. Learn more about the Central Passenger Terminal Complex (CPTC) projects

Main Security Checkpoint Expansion
Work is complete at the main security checkpoint to make way for new extended queuing lanes and Automated Screening Lanes. These improvements will boost efficiency in passenger screenings, ultimately decreasing security wait times before flights.

Automated Screening Lanes
The security checkpoints at ATL are now equipped with 22 new Automated Screening Lanes (ASLs). The ASLs include a conveyor belt that automatically returns bins to the start of the lane, speeding up security processing by as much as 30 percent. Learn more about using the ASLs

EV Charging Stations
Hartsfield-Jackson leaders have officially unveiled 102 electric vehicle charging stations at the Airport as part of ATLNext. These stations should aid in ATL’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2008 levels by 20 percent by the year 2020. Learn more about EV charging station locations

Service Animal Relief Areas
Service Animal Relief Areas (SARAs) are designed to accommodate passengers' pets and guide dogs. In compliance with the Federal Aviation Administration, wheel-chair accessible SARAs are located in every concourse. They provide the necessary facilities for pets without having to exit the terminal to visit the pre-security dog park. All SARA locations are now open near gates T7, A10, B33, C19, E14 and F7, as well as D-Centerpoint. Learn more about Support Facilities projects